Our Speakers

Robin Skog
CEO @ Prosper AI
Ørjan Flygt Landfald
Senior Adviser and EdTech Lead at BI’s Learning Center
Senior Adviser and EdTech Lead at BI’s Learning Center
Lars-Petter Windelstad Kjos
Co-founder and CPO at We Are Learning
Storyteller, explorer, creative director & serial entrepreneur.
Tore Lie
Cluster Leader, Cluster for Applied AI
Expert in AI, project management, networking, and collaborative innovation.
Frédéric Heitmann-André
CTO at Prosper AI
CTO at Prosper AI, revolutionizing the brokerage industry with AI
Pål Knudsen
Chief Architect at Computas
computas logo
Pål Knudsen serves as Chief Architect and Business Developer at Computas
Arne Rustad
Data Scientist at BearingPoint
Data Scientist with extensive hands-on experience in cutting-edge generative AI initiatives.
Annabel Dangreville
Co-founder & CEO ListenAlert
Passionate about leveraging AI technology to transform the way businesses harness the power of podcasts.
Vincent Aardalsbakke
Co-Founder & CEO at Hyyr
With over 8 years of experience in the IT industry, I have a strong background in business analysis, strategy, and digital transformation
Håkon Græsberg
CTO and Co-founder @ Wepost
Background in AI, entrepreneur and co-founded Wepost, which is creating the next era of marketing.
Aleksander Bai
Chief Data Officer (CDO) at Nortura
Chief Data Officer with a passion for harnessing the power of data to drive strategic decisions
Daniel Kittilsen Henriksen
Generative AI Lead at BearingPoint Norway
Once a tech founder, now leading generative AI initiatives. Daniel is all about solving real-world problems.
Julia Paulsen
Director E-Commerce Nordics @ Elkjøp
Author of the book "WOW: Smells like team spirit", Board Member at Viking Footwear, MACH Alliance Ambassador, part of DN Aspiring Women and E24 leader talent.
Geir Rostadmo-Strømme
Managing Director at Dell Technologies Norway
Managing Director for Dell Technologies in Norway and has over 25 years of experience in the technology industry.
Frode Danielsen
Director of the Norwegian Digitalisation Agency
Frode Danielsen leads national digitalisation and collaboration initiatives.
Nora Antonsen
M.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics at NTNU and Co-founder & CTO in Naya Development
M.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics at NTNU and is now advancing entrepreneurial career.
Inge Kristian Brodersen
A dynamic IT lawyer and former operations director with a robust background in Tech
Gjermund Norderhaug
VP of Product
Leading the product team in Kindly, a global leader specialising in chatbot technology.
Jon Espen Ingvaldsen
Chief Consultant & Adjunct Associate Professor at NorwAI
Solid experience in entrepreneurship, business development, realization of new technology and data-driven solutions.
Maria Amelie
CEO and Co-founder
Factiverse - we help journalists and analysts mitigate the risk of misinformation and hallucinations.
Ram Yoga
Business and Service Design Director
25 years experience in digital product and service design
Frode Standal
Co-Founder and CTO at Kantega
Co-founder, partner and CTO at Kantega. 30 years of experience in the IT
Andreas Prøsch
VP @ Cognite & Head of «AI Unit» @ AKER
Operator in applied Artificial Intelligence across Industrial contexts: Energy, Manufacturing, Process Industries
Morten Forfang
Director of AI
I‘m a Ph.D. in artificial intelligence (computer science).
Arjun Chandra
CEO of Brua
Arjun is on a mission to sculpt a socially responsible role for AI.
Rebecca Wiborg Seyfarth
VP Engineering at Völur
A senior ML engineer, tech lead and engineering manager
Nhan V. Nguyen
Head of AI @ eSmart Systems AS
An expert and leader in AI at eSmart Systems, holding a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence
Mikkel Selente
Nordic AI Summit @ Neurosys
Tech Enthusiast Turning Ideas into Impact | Leveraging AI
Silvija Seres
Founder @ TechnoRocks
Experienced board member and chairman, with digital transformation and AI as deep expertise
Daniel Ovesen Thafvelin
CEO @ Renov.ai
Daniel is a Political Economist and an experienced business leader in a software based world.
Yngvar Ugland
EVP & Head of New Tech Lab
Yngvar, a leading voice in technology, bridges the gap between academia and industry with his global insights and pioneering work at DNB and beyond.
Aksel Braanen Sterri
Research Director
Aksel Braanen Sterri, a Norwegian political scientist and philosopher, is a postdoctoral researcher at OsloMet.
Tomasz Golan
R&D Manager
A computational scientist deeply engaged in developing advanced deep learning algorithms across diverse applications.
Mads Ribe
Associate Partner @ EY Law
Specializing in tech law and sustainability, innovates in legal operations, and contributes to maritime and fashion industries.
Matthew Blakemore
BSI/ISO AI Committee Member
A renowned AI expert known for his contributions like ISO/IEC 8183, patented AI innovations, and influential roles in tech transformation and international business networks.
Yann Phoon
AI lead for McKinsey in Norway
Yann currently serves as an Expert Associate Partner at McKinsey & Company in Norway, a global management consulting firm which partners with multinationals and start-ups alike on strategic topics.
Tomasz Kowalczyk
CEO @ NeuroSYS
Tomasz is an IT leader with over 14 years of hands-on software development experience. After earning his Master's degree from Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, he quickly moved through roles as a software developer, architect, and project manager.

Passionate About AI? Speak Up!

Whether it's a unique AI journey, hard-won experience, or cutting-edge skills you've honed, we're eager to hear! If you're a startup navigating the AI realm with an intriguing narrative or a challenge you have experienced, connect with us!
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