
Nordic AI Summit

The digital frontier is ever-evolving, and at its heart lies the pulsating force of Artificial Intelligence. While AI is transforming the world as we know it, the real journey has just begun, especially in the vibrant Nordics. The Nordic AI Summit is designed to be the compass guiding this transformation.

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Be part of this movement

This initiative that's not just redefining the Nordics' relationship with AI but shaping the global AI narrative. Contribute to the conversation, envision the possibilities, and help determine AI's pivotal role in our collective future.
Our Purpose

Bridging Realms with AI

The Nordic AI Summit isn’t just an event; it embodies a larger purpose. In a rapidly evolving digital world, where AI has the potential to be the catalyst for monumental changes, understanding and harnessing its potential becomes paramount. This understanding is multifaceted – from the depths of algorithms and code to its broader societal impacts and opportunities.
‍Fostering Collaboration

We believe that innovation thrives in a space of diversity and collaboration. By bringing together AI engineers, startups, established corporates, investors, and even AI enthusiasts, we aim to create a melting pot of ideas. This fusion often leads to groundbreaking solutions and innovative startups.

Demystifying AI

For many, AI remains an abstract concept – something heard about in news headlines but never truly grasped. Our summit aims to change this by breaking down AI into comprehensible segments, allowing everyone – whether tech-savvy or not – to understand and appreciate its potential.

Hands-on Experience

Beyond theory and discussions, we recognize the importance of tangible experiences. Our annual hackathon is more than a competition; it's a playground for innovation. Participants can put theory into practice, learning firsthand the challenges and rewards of working with AI.

Empowering through Partnerships

Our collaboration with stalwarts like Startup Norway isn't coincidental. By aligning with entities that share our vision, we amplify our impact. These partnerships empower participants with tools, knowledge, and networks to actualize their AI dreams.

Shaping the AI Narrative

The dialogue around AI isn’t fixed. It’s evolving, shaped by breakthroughs, ethical considerations, and real-world applications. The Nordic AI Summit is committed to being a key player in this narrative, guiding conversations to ensure AI develops in a direction beneficial for society at large.

At the Nordic AI Summit, our purpose goes beyond a two-day event. We're building a legacy – a foundation upon which the Nordics, and the world, can explore and capitalize on the AI frontier.


Christian Platou
Event Manager
Bastian Harbo
Partner Manager
Mikkel Selente
Program Manager
Tomasz Kowalczyk
Program Manager

Talk with us

Questions? Ideas? Collaborations? We're here to listen. Whether you're a participant, a commercial entity, or just enthusiastic about AI, we're eager to engage. Let's make the Nordic AI Summit a collaborative triumph.
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