Yngvar is known from TV, podcasts, newspaper articles, op-eds, debates, and from various stages both domestically and abroad. His academic rigor in technology issues has led to him being a regular lecturer at Singularity University and a highly popular guest lecturer at the Norwegian School of Economics. At Techpoint 2021, Yngvar will hold the role of host alongside Cilia Holmes Indahl. Together, they constitute the perfect combination of competence, international experience, and academic knowledge, delivered in a way that captivates a discerning audience.

Norway’s first consumer technology expert possesses firsthand knowledge of new technological solutions and products. Yngvar is DnB’s and the consumers’ man on technology issues. He works with new technological solutions and products, and assesses the opportunities and challenges these solutions present. The consumer technology expert at DNB and the Division Director at NewTechLab DNB is the driving force behind the bank’s innovation work, operating from offices in Bjørvika, San Francisco, and Palo Alto.

Ugland has a Master of Science in Mathematics from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Before he started at DNB, he worked at Microsoft for an extended period. He also has experience from various startups and Fintech companies.