Our Speakers

Trygve Sanne Hardersen
Head of Cyber AI
A technology enthusiast and Director at KPMG Norway, leads the firm's cybertech efforts from Tromsø, specializing in cybersecurity to protect critical infrastructure.
Per-Kaare Svendsen
Partner | Lawyer
Per-Kaare is an experienced tech lawyer specializing in AI, data governance, and e-discovery, known for his work with tech firms and his insights on the EU's digital agenda.
Aksel Braanen Sterri
Research Director
Aksel Braanen Sterri, a Norwegian political scientist and philosopher, is a postdoctoral researcher at OsloMet.
Rebekka Borsch
Director Research and Innovation
Director of Research and Innovation at NHO, chairs the Bjerknes Center for Climate Research and presides over the Norwegian UNESCO Commission.
Tomasz Golan
R&D Manager
A computational scientist deeply engaged in developing advanced deep learning algorithms across diverse applications.
Dr. Mozhgan Tavakolifard
Founder, AI Alchemy Hub
Mozhgan Tavakolifard, a tech leader and TEDx speaker, stands at the forefront of integrating AI and consciousness.
Maged Helmy
CEO @Newcode.ai and Assoc. Prof of Software @USN
Helmy is an enthusiastic Associate Professor of Software Architecture at the University of South-Eastern Norway and an AI Consultant at Newcode AS.
Karianne Sundahl
Head of Data & Analytics
A leader in AI at Storebrand and recognized as one of Norway's top 50 tech women, has a rich history in data and insights with key roles at Telenor and Vipps.
Bjarke Arreskov-Hansen
VP of Products
Bjarke Arreskov-Hansen is an AI and digital transformation expert with over a decade of experience at Saxo Bank, specializing in product management, pricing strategy, and AI governance.
Martin Nørballe
COO & Partner
Martin Nørballe, with a diverse background in IT, retail, and the hedge fund industry, is a skilled leader known for his expertise in AI strategy and digital transformation.
Christian Agrell
Principal Scientist @ DNV
A mathematician with a PhD in machine learning for high-risk applications. He leads a team of researchers developing new solutions for assurance of trustworthy and responsible AI.
Mads Ribe
Associate Partner @ EY Law
Specializing in tech law and sustainability, innovates in legal operations, and contributes to maritime and fashion industries.
Maria Solem og Hanne Grydeland
Co-Founders @ Sildre AS
Maria and Hanne, guiding companies through public funding, leveraging deep industry insights with a strong track record in applications.
Are Meisfjord
CTO and Co-Founder of Tripletex
Are Meisfjord, with an MSc in Software Engineering and 30 years of experience, co-founded Tripletex, a leading ERP system in Norway.
Håkon Onsager
Head of Data & Insight @ Entur
Håkon leads the teams at Entur that are responsible for building a self-service data platform for public transport, aimed at enabling smarter applications and services.
Matthew Blakemore
BSI/ISO AI Committee Member
A renowned AI expert known for his contributions like ISO/IEC 8183, patented AI innovations, and influential roles in tech transformation and international business networks.
Vebjørn Søndersrød
Partner @ Føyen
Recognized by ANFO as the speaker of the year, he specializes in personal data and information security.
Yann Phoon
AI lead for McKinsey in Norway
Yann currently serves as an Expert Associate Partner at McKinsey & Company in Norway, a global management consulting firm which partners with multinationals and start-ups alike on strategic topics.
Andreas Aarvold Harto
Senior AI & ML Engineer @ NBIM
Andreas is an experienced developer and engineer. He works with implementing AI solutions at Norges Bank Investment Management to improve the company efficiency and assist investment decisions.
Umair Mehmood Imam
Data & AI Lead @ Ruter
Umair leads the Data and AI teams at Ruter (a transport company based in Norway). Concurrently, he serves as an Assistant Professor of AI at OsloMet university Norway. In the entrepreneurial realm, he is the founder of Bineric AI (a startup focused on LLMs).
Erik Leung
Co-Founder @ Simplifai
Erik Leung is not just a visionary business developer; he is also the Chief Product Officer at Simplifai, one of Norway's most rapidly growing AI companies.
Ishita Barua
Chief Medical Officer @ LIVV Health
Dr. Ishita Barua is a pioneering figure in the intersection of AI and healthcare. With her medical background and a PhD in Medicine, she uniquely blends clinical acumen with innovative tech insights.
Jonas Tjomsland
Head of Product & ML Engineer @ Lexolve
Jonas Tjomsland is a Machine Learning Engineer, turned product leader. He leads product development at the legal-tech startup Lexolve, the all-in-one platform for SMB legal services. Lexolve leverages software, design and AI to make previously inaccessible legal help available for small businesses.
Mikołaj Kowalczyk
Software Security Analyst @ Ardoq
Mikołaj is a Software Security Analyst at Ardoq. Having a background in penetration testing, security audits and application security, it was natural for him to explore risks, threats and vulnerabilities associated with Large Language Models.
Joakim Lindh
Director of Product @ Airthings
Joakim has a MSc in Electronic Engineering and has over 13y of experience within Internet of Things working with some of the biggest tech companies in the world. Professionally experienced with product design, embedded devices and wireless connectivity. Currently passionate about AIoT, emerging technologies and the future of mankind. Also Lego and Star Wars nerd.
Tomasz Kowalczyk
CEO @ NeuroSYS
Tomasz is an IT leader with over 14 years of hands-on software development experience. After earning his Master's degree from Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, he quickly moved through roles as a software developer, architect, and project manager.

Passionate About AI? Speak Up!

Whether it's a unique AI journey, hard-won experience, or cutting-edge skills you've honed, we're eager to hear! If you're a startup navigating the AI realm with an intriguing narrative or a challenge you have experienced, connect with us!
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