Attorney, expert on GPDR, digital marketing, information security, AI, trade mark law, copyrights, design law, unfair competition, marketing law, cctv/camera surveillance, internet related law, apps and web-services, consumer protection and civil litigation.

Litigation attorney, attorney on behalf of businesses in cases involving Datatilsynet (NO DPA), Personvernnemnda, Forbrukertilsynet. Works with use of digital marketing services and customer data, apps, digital services, risk assessments information security as well as legal, ecommerce, retail, digital serives CCTV and security. Also advise on anti money laundering compliance.

Frequent speaker on legal topics such as GDPR, use of personal data for direct marketing, copyright issues, internet and copyright, freedom of information act and privacy law.

Author of “Katalogdata. Juridiske problemstillinger knyttet til eierskap og produksjon” (2009) and “På rett hylle med åndsverkloven : en veiledning i opphavsrett for arkiv, bibliotek og museum” with Børde, Charlotte (2008).

Specialties: GDPR, Copyright, trade mark law, design law, intellectual property, litigation, privacy law, data protection, marketing law including consumer protection and unfair competition, user terms, privacy policies, contract law, freedom of information act.