Dr. Ishita Barua is a pioneering figure in the intersection of AI and healthcare. With her medical background and a PhD in Medicine, she uniquely blends clinical acumen with innovative tech insights. As the Lead for AI in Healthcare at Deloitte, Ishita focuses on elevating health outcomes and championing health equity through digital transformations. Her book reveals the profound potential of AI in enhancing lives and health today, showcasing its capabilities from diagnosing cancer to predicting pandemics. Eager to demystify AI’s role in healthcare, Ishita connects the abstract concepts of AI to tangible health outcomes, prompting broader conversations on AI’s ethical implications and control. Her accolades speak volumes about her influence in the field: a Fulbright Scholar at Harvard Medical School, recipient of the NORA Award for Distinguished Early-Career Investigator, and named one of Norway’s Top 50 Women in Tech in 2022. Furthermore, she has been recognized as one of the Top 30 Women in Norway influencing the AI sector. Ishita’s commitment to ethical AI applications is evident as she serves on The Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board and The Norwegian Council of Digital Ethics. She is also a co-founder and lecturer at the University of Oslo, imparting knowledge on AI, Big Data, and Clinical Decision Support to the next generation of medical professionals.